Wilder Life Wellbeing CIC

Our ISEND Project is currently looking for more funding after four successful years. If you would like to reach out and support it, please get in touch.

Feedback from ISEND Family
Nature Connection Days
The best things about the sessions were:
"Including the whole family, which is the best thing that we were all accepted and able to do something together."
"Such a peaceful, calming location - my children and I benefitted tenfold."
Having the freedom to choose which activities they wanted to do - no pressure."
"We had a fantastic time. Helen and Penny's love for this was evident and they facilitated a really enjoyable time. This has been a real highlight of our week/well lockdown!"
"Great experience- different to anything else. It provided calming respite for me and the children."
We are delighted to announce that we have been awarded a year's worth of funded Nature Connection Days that will take us through to February 2023. We are hugely grateful to The Welton Fund and the Lawson Endowment Fund at Sussex Community Foundation for their funding support.
This follows our very successful ISEND Nature Connection Project that we set up in 2020 in response to the Covid Pandemic. Like everyone else, our initial plans for 2020 were shaped by the pandemic. However, there has been a silver lining to the changes, this involved us applying for COVID Crisis funding, through Sussex Community Foundation and using a John Jackson Charitable Trust funding we created an introductory Nature Connection project.
The project has been able to offer invaluable respite to ISEND families during these challenging times. Each family bubble were able to play and explore safely in a stimulating natural environment.
Due to the positive feedback and recognition of the success of these initial sessions, we secured further funding which enabled us to continue with the project providing precious fun family time, respite and learning new skills together.